Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Do It Yourself: Studded Converse

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What You'll Need:
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1. Converse(Found Here & Here) 2.Studs (I purchased mine from eBay) 3. Butter Knife 4. Pliers (found at home improvement stores, or check a tool box at home)

First start off by taking out the laces in both the shoes, this will make it easier to work with the studs.
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Next look at the shoe and determine where you're going to put the studs, since I wear a smaller size shoe, I decided to use a 7mm size stud. If you were using a hi-top shoe I would suggest something a little bigger.
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After take one of the studs and push it through the canvas, it's going to be a little difficult because the material is thick. If the prongs aren't showing through try push around the prong from the inside of the shoe, kind of like guiding them through the canvas. This is when you'll need the butter knife, once you can see all four prongs take the knife and push them towards the center of the stud.
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Keep doing that to the shoe, and make sure that the studs are straight. If they aren't it makes it difficult to add studs to the next row if the ones before are crooked. And if that does happen use the pliers and fold the prongs back up and remove that stud and use a new one. 
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You'll soon see progress, it only took me about 40 mins to do both shoes! Have fun with it, don't get mad if they aren't all perfectly straight (even if you have ocd like me). They look better unevenly spaced and just a tad crooked! You can add more or less if you'd, thats the beauty of a DIY you can make it your own!

Be sure to follow me on BlogLovin' and Instagram @ameliajackson_

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