Friday, September 20, 2013

Bad Fashion Choices by Amelia (Part 1)

You know sometimes you just got to make fun of yourself. And as I'm trying to get things together with my blog, I was trying to think of what to post. Well what better then to share some hideous outfits that I've worn?! Theres really nothing better then that. I've found so many I think this might become a regular thing.

This first one honestly, I don't even know. It's not a bad fashion choice as it is bad hair styling decision but still just as bad...
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Like why crimped hair, Amelia? WHY. Also why do I look so happy to be having crimped hair? It was out in the early 2000's and even then it wasn't in. 

So this next one, I know I was trying to be cool cause I was in London and all but seriously....
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Why the red beanie, and the bangs, and why is my hair tucked into the beanie?! Add a leather jacket, and a black hat, and subtract that ugly necklace it would have been 100X cooler.

And the last one for this weeks installment of Bad Fashion Choices By Amelia. I guess it's not that bad....
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But I was at the beach in black jeans... Also wearing a hideous scarf. I remember I forgot sandals and had to borrow my sisters who wears a size 8 and I wear a size 5. I walked around in public like that. 

I might regret posting this....
Be sure to follow me on BlogLovin and Instagram @ameliajackson_

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